Below is a list of the best ways to save money on energy that we’ve come across over the last few years of helping people. We have no affiliation with any of the companies we mention - we don’t benefit from anyone using them.

We will update the list when we discover new opportunities to save money on energy, and we will continue to connect customers to as many of them as possible during our calls.

Energy saving tips


  • Unplug or turn off devices when not in use - this can add up to £65 in savings a year (Money Saving Expert)

  • Swap to energy efficient LED bulbs - this can save around £40 a year if all bulbs in a house are LED (Energy Saving Trust)

  • Wash clothes on 30c - lowering the temperature from 40c, and doing one less load a week, can save £36 a year (Money Saving Expert)

  • Use a heated air dryer over a tumble dryer - tumble dryers can cost £1 per use and one of the most expensive appliances to run. Here’s a link to a well priced heated dryer

  • Use less water - by using water saving gadgets. They will save on water meter costs and reduce energy costs at the same too

  • Opt for air fryers or slow-cookers - they use much less energy than traditional ovens

  • Put lids on pans - if you do use an oven top to cook, use the right sized pan and use a lid to cook the food more quickly

  • Keep the oven door open - after cooking (and making sure the oven is turned off), keep the oven door open to heat the kitchen

  • Don’t overfill kettles - only boil the amount of water you need. If you do end up with excess boiling water, transfer it to a thermos for use later in the day

Money Saving Expert website

  • Reduce boiler flow - boilers are usually set at unnecessarily high temperatures by default and reducing them to the recommended 55-60c can save up to £100. Here’s a simple guide to show you how to do it (NB this only works for combi boilers - where there is no separate hot water tank)

  • Turn down your thermostat - reducing the temperature by just 1c can save up to £100 a year (Energy Saving Trust)

  • Draught proofing - find the draughts in your home and use cost-effective solutions to reduce them - read this useful guide for ideas

  • Curtains and blinds - drawing your curtains and blinds around dusk can reduce heat loss by about 15%



  • LEAP - this brilliant organisation can arrange free telephone appointments and home visits (check here to see if they offer this in your area) to keep homes warm and reduce energy costs. They provide free energy saving devices (draught proofing

  • Household Support Fund - every local authority has been given given funding to help people in need with energy, water, food and essential items. Use this link to find out more and see how your local area is operating the fund

  • Trust Funds - many utility companies operate Trust Funds which will consider wiping debt on energy bills and providing new white goods. Here is a list of Trust Funds that may be able to help

  • CAB and Step Change - for free and impartial money and debt advice

  • Help to pay energy bills - a useful link with more information on this